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What's for V-day??
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
The season of love is once again just around the corner and surely, a lot of us are agog as how we’ll make our Valentine’s Day special and memorable. For Others (specially the singletons) it may be just like any ordinary day but for some people , it can be a pretty special one. You see, it’s the day when we especially commemorate the magical moments when two hearts beat as one. Naks! Am I corny or what?! Its just the hopeless romantic in me talking I guess… But really? What can we do to make this V-day different and unforgettable?

If you’re going to ask me, I suggest that you take your special someone to a romantic dinner (or even lunch) and watch a movie afterwards. It should set the mood just right.

If you have a tighter budget, you can never go wrong with preparing a home-cooked meal and watching DVDs or just cuddling up under the cozy blue sky.

You could also surprise him/her by putting a trail of roses from the front door to his/her room and fill his/her bed with roses. On the bed, you could put a cute teddy bear holding a card that says “be mine forever” (aww…how sweet!).

The best way to end or recap your whole evening together is to try and pass by the Blessed Sacrament or Church and thank God for giving you one another and pray that He blesses you both with a stronger and healthier relationship.

These are just some suggestions on how you can make your valentine’s date more meaningful. But as one of my favorite love quotes says: “Love is just like playing the piano. First, you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from the heart.” =)

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